Hi everyone! It seems like only yesterday I was applying to CASPA and waiting for an interview; I can hardly believe I'm writing this post right now! This past Monday I took my last final and officially finished my first term of PA school! I always wondered what it was like to be a PA student so hopefully this post will give you some insight! For our first term of didactic year, we take physiology lecture, anatomy lecture, anatomy lab, and a medical terminology self-taught course (which was part of our physiology grade). I think we were definitely eased into PA school, which is something I really liked about my program. For those of us who had just finished undergrad, we were able to have more of a summer and for those who had been out of school for a while, had a chance to ease back into study mode. We were also able to really focus on anatomy, something I found to be very important since I know many of my future classes will build on the information I learned in this course...